Ash Vlogs/IKWSI Wiki
Ash Vlogs/IKWSI Wiki
Where is Ash Vlogs?

Ash Vlogs is a murder mystery ARG propagated through the internet by an enigmatic game master known as I Know Where She Is (usually referred to as IKWSI). It follows the kidnapping and presumed murder of a young woman called Ash living in Adelaide, South Australia. Along the way we get to meet some of her family and friends. Using various websites including Youtube and Instagram, and even SnapChat. You the player are taken on a crazy journey into the unknown. What seemingly starts out as a girl creating Vlogs on Youtube suddenly takes a dive down an intricate rabbit hole into a dark and sometimes seedy underbelly of kidnappings, darkweb lurking and stalking recordings. Our current goal is finding out what exactly happened to Ash, a goal to which IKWSI is continuously leaving us cryptic breadcrumbs - the solving of these makes up most of the game.

Clue Timeline
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The Ash Vlogs / I Know Where She Is ARG has been running since 2018. The majority of the game so far occurred in the first couple of years, You will find information on each page about the many videos, images, clues and websites that IKWSI shared with players. As well as the solutions discovered by the IKWSI Discord server, you will find key information about each puzzle. There are also run downs for the different downloadable programs that IKWSI gave us so you don't have to be worried when playing them yourself. One of the only things this timeline doesn't have is a clear start to finish narrative. Since we received information at different times and mostly in the wrong order we can only theorise at this point the correct chain of events with what happened to Ash. We do know that she filmed her Vlogs in 2017. However it was almost a full year before these Vlogs made their way onto Youtube and as we know now, not by Ash herself. Head on over to the Ash Vlogs Subreddit to discuss your theories on this subject! We would love to hear them. Otherwise dig in to the information below and see where it takes you. Be warned once you start, it's certainly a very large rabbit hole created by IKWSI.


+ April + May + June

+ July + August + September

+ October + November + December


+ January + February + April + May

+ The Livestream + The Livestream Night 2

+ The Livestream Night 3 + The Livestream Night 4


+ February + March + May + June + August + September

+ Floppy Disks + Click.exe


Click on the images below to find out more information on the characters featured in the ARG, or alternatively if you are on mobile click here List of Characters

Real World Clue Hunting

During the course of the ARG, players have been able to go out into the real world and hunt for clues. Packages left at various locations around Adelaide. The Snapchat game involved members of the Discord group engaging in various tasks set for them by IKWSI. Packages were hidden in Kuitpo Forest, the hard drive 'bad boi' was left for a Discord member to find and a cassette tape was hidden in a record store. You will also find information here regarding packages sent in the mail from IKWSI to players in 2020. Click on each photo to learn about the different adventures or alternatively if you are on mobile click here Real Life Clues

About Us

The goal of the Ash Vlogs wiki is to collaborate with other players from around the world in an attempt to build a reliable and resourceful base of well detailed information and clues relating to the Ash Vlogs/I Know Where She Is ARG in an easy to navigate place. All clues featured here were solved as a joint effort by the members of the IKWSI discord server. What started out as a place to gather information for the Discord members to reference, has turned into something much larger and into what you see today. The wiki is a constant work in progress as new information comes to light.

If you are unsure which accounts and webpages are legitimate for this ARG please check the IKWSI page for all official links. If the account is not listed on this page, chances are they are not linked with the game. The popularity of this ARG spawned many fake accounts and "game jackers" so always be sure you are viewing official sources when playing to avoid confusion. Head over to The Discord page if you are curious or want to find other like minded players.

You are welcome to contact RiverSong#9357 on Discord or here on the wiki if you feel you have found something not listed. Some older links will unfortunately lead to dead ends as content may have been reported and removed. This wiki is best viewed on PC due to the custom templates used, or by scrolling to the bottom of the page on mobile and choosing the "View Full Site" option.

Find them
Go to the official Ash Vlogs Instagram page!
Go to the official Ash Vlogs Youtube page!
Go to the Ash Vlogs SubReddit!